
Saturday 17 November 2012

1.00G - Gwenllian's Tale: Story Summary

Gwenllian's tale will be told in a slightly different way than Anneleigh's.  Her story will take place in two, relatively long, parts, rather than segmented by zones I have done with the travels of the high elves.  I am also completing her quests as a level 50, and will more easily have access to story elements like chronicles and raid instances.

As with Anneleigh's story, the following post is the highlights of Gwenllian's journey.

Story Posts
1.01 - Returning to Three Springs: Gwenllian is summoned to Three Springs and is told of a darkness that is taking hold in her town.
1.02 - The Relics: Gwenllian and the council cleanse the death monuments
1.03 - The Transmission: Gwenllian overhears a conversation between deathtouched satyrs and their leader.
1.04 - Kirna's Arbor: Gwenllian learns of a connection between the Abyssal and the Endless
1.05 - Abyssal: Gwenllian ends the abductions of Three Springs.
1.06 - Faering Woods: Gwenllian seeks out the guidance of a spirit who wanders in the corrupted wood.
1.7 - General Stanig's Plan: Gwenllian helps vanquish the evil in the woods.
1.8 - Molinar Crossing: Gwenllian restors peace to Molinar Crossing and finds the Abyssal have stolen several artifacts.
1.9 - Scotty's Blessing: Gwenllian, with the help of Scotty, releases the Messenger and learns the Abyssal's plot.
1.10 - The Ruinguard: Gwenllian meets the keepers of Hammerknell.
1.11 - Grey Gardens: Gwenllian enters Grey Gardens and angers the voidspawn
1.12 -
1.13 - Estrode: Gwenllian watched the eolution of Tidelord Brenin

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